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Luigi Ippoliti

Luigi Ippoliti is Professor of Statistics at the Department of Economics, University G.d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, Italy. The research activity is mainly focused on the analysis of processes with spatio-temporal structures with interest in environmental applications, image and shape analysis. Specific topics of interests refer to: 1) development of optimal spatial designs for environmental monitoring; 2) development of spatio-temporal models for predictions; 3) image processing and functional data analysis for social, environmental and medical applications; 4) Dynamic Shape analysis for facial recognition. Currently, he is the coordinator of GRASPA (Gruppo di Ricerca per le Applicazioni della Statistica ai Problemi Ambientali), a standing group of the Italian Statistical Society for Environmental Statistics, sustainability and territorial safety. The group endorses co-operation and interchange of views among statisticians, academics from environmental sciences as well as practitioners from government and independent environmental agencies.