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1. Access

Access to the journal is totally free online.
There are no paper versions distributed for a fee.
In the Current issue section you can download the latest published issue.
In the Volumes and Issues section you can download previously published issues.

2. Author fees

No fees for the publication or submission of the manuscripts are borne by the authors.
All expenses are borne by the publisher Abruzzese Salute ETS.

3. Revenue sources

The journal does not foresee the publication of any form of advertising by third parties on the website.
Any donations or fundings are kept confidential and are in no way connected to editorial decisions.

4. Marketing

Any direct marketing activity, including manuscript solicitation conducted on behalf of the journal, is appropriate, well-targeted, and discreet.

5. Security technologies

The journal web hosting includes an automatic back-up plan as stated in the following link .
The manuscripts submitted by the authors, before scientific review, are subjected to an anti-plagiarism check using the software iThenticate by Turnitin company.