Franco Mastracci, born in 1961 in Pescara, where he resides, graduated in classical maturity, graduated with 110 and praise in Economics and Commerce and in Economics and Legislation for Business , is a professor of role (since 1992) of Business Economics and Tourism and Business Disciplines in the Galiani de Sterlich State Technical Institute of Chieti, in which he is also an elected member of the Board of Institute. Auditor.
He collaborates (since 1990) with the G. D’Annunzio University of Chieti Pescara in various professorships of the Faculties of Economics and Management Sciences, and currently in the Department of Corporate Economics DEA in the chairs of Financial Management and Risk Management. Author of academic publications, including “The Evolution of Banks and Capital Ratios” , “The European Central Bank”, “Financial Instruments for The Enterprise”, “Quotation on the Stock Exchanges”, “Financial and Securities Markets”. Member of Kiwanis International in the Chieti Pescara club.